Employee Termination Processes lunch and learn talk in Switzerland

Step into the realm of effective human resource management amidst the picturesque landscapes of Switzerland by joining us for an insightful lunch and learn session focused on employee termination processes. In this exclusive event, we’ll navigate the complexities surrounding the termination of employment contracts, offering a comprehensive understanding of legal, ethical, and practical considerations.

Amidst the tranquil surroundings of Switzerland, attendees will delve into the intricacies of managing employee terminations with professionalism and empathy. Led by seasoned HR professionals, this session will equip participants with the tools and strategies necessary to navigate challenging situations, mitigate potential risks, and uphold organisational values throughout the termination process. Join us for an enriching experience that will empower you to handle employee terminations with confidence and integrity.

Talk Objectives:


      1. Understanding Legal Framework:
        Explore the legal regulations and requirements governing employee termination processes in Switzerland.
      2. Clarifying Termination Policies:
        Ensure participants understand company policies and procedures regarding employee termination.
      3. Communicating Effectively:
        Learn strategies for clear and empathetic communication with employees during the termination process.
      4. Mitigating Risks:
        Identify potential legal and reputational risks associated with employee termination and learn how to mitigate them.
      5. Managing Emotions:
        Develop techniques for handling emotions, both of terminated employees and remaining staff, in a professional manner.
      6. Providing Support:
        Explore ways to provide support and resources to terminated employees to facilitate their transition.
      7. Ensuring Fairness and Equity:
        Understand the importance of fairness and equity in the termination process and learn how to ensure it.
      8. Documenting Procedures:
        Learn the importance of thorough documentation throughout the termination process and best practices for record-keeping.
      9. Preparing Managers:
        Equip managers with the skills and knowledge necessary to conduct termination meetings effectively.
      10. Reviewing Lessons Learned:
        Reflect on past termination experiences and identify areas for improvement in future processes.

Don’t miss the opportunity to gain essential insights and expertise in navigating employee termination processes. Reserve your spot now for our Employee Termination Processes lunch and learn session in Switzerland. Join us to equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to manage terminations effectively, uphold legal compliance, and maintain the integrity of your organization.

Sign up today to secure your place and ensure you’re prepared to handle terminations with professionalism and empathy. Don’t let uncertainty in termination procedures jeopardize your organization’s reputation – join us for an informative and empowering session that will enhance your HR toolkit and contribute to a smoother transition for all parties involved.

More Information:

Duration: 60 minutes Fees: $1299.97 USD 679.97

For more information please contact us at: contact@knowlesti.ch

If you would like to register for this talk, fill out the registration form below.

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The Best Corporate Lunchtime Talks, lunch and learn, Lunch Talks in Switzerland

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